Setting/Scenery Locations

      For our film opening,we decided to have our main locations be indoors,be it the interior of a house/bedroom as well as the courtyard or another location embedded within a school.However there is one location that should hopefully be in an outdoor location,that being the insert shot.
      I would post the storyboard of our scenes but unfortunately,I do not have access to them at this time but I will try and post them as soon as possible.
     For context,the idea of the insert shot for our opening is a rapid hand-held shot of a persons feet (probably end up using boots or something) running through a forrest-y/grassy area to evoke that sense of anxiety and impending doom.Luckily I happen to have one of those areas near where I currently live,though I do not have a photo of said area,I'll post a few reference images to show what it looks like.

      This is roughly what the area looks like.
      In a following post,I'll preface what/how the insert shot will be filmed and how I would color correct it to get that sense of impending dread.


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