Script for Pitch

      Just in case the audio of my film pitch was poor,here is the script I wrote out for the video.

"I’ve always been fond of the “genre clashing” style of film making. There’s a certain art to blend two distinct genres to make a coherent film from both sides.

Dear executives of Archer Gray Productions, I intend to make our film exactly that.

This little production piece would be titled “On A Whim”, being almost a near comical rendition of a teen film/romantic comedy but have a few thriller and horror undertones throughout.

I have picked your company specifically because of your folder of previously produced films has fallen in line with something we’d like to create.

Of course, the budget of this film would not be detrimental to any profits secured by you. It would only have to cost roughly around 6-12 million to film and produce, which is in line with your previous film budgets.

In terms of the distribution process, we had hoped for a limited release in select theatres to begin with, then if the reception was positive enough, branch out to a more wider release.

For a distribution company, we decided to consider A24, a company that has previously distributed one of your films and while looking through A24’s distribution inventory, their films are fairly similar in nature for our vision.

We here hope you consider our ideas presented for you and help make our dream a reality."

      For my pitch,I wanted there to be some aspects of our film left to be desired instead of spilling all of the details right out of the gate.The breaks in between each sentence was to cleanly illustrate a new topic/point in my pitch.
      Reviewing this post later on in our project (which is when I'm typing this now) our group had decided to change our production company to A24 instead of Archer Gray.This was primarily a stylistic decision,upon reviewing A24's backlog of films,we came to the conclusion that our film would be more suited for the style of a film produced by A24 rather than Archer.


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