What To Put in a Title Sequence

      Since we're currently closing in on the completion of our finalized title sequence (which I will detail in full in a few later posts) I thought I'd make a small post for informative purposes.Here,I'd like to illustrate a few of the key titles or production crew names that should most definitely be included in a title sequence.Following the titles,I'll give a small or brief synopsis of what each credit entitles.My reasoning for this is to provide aid to other students or even other aspiring film makers in their quest to produce either a mere title sequence or a full blown film.

This list is in no particular order,you can arrange each of these credits however you wish in your own project.

Title of project: This is fairly self-explanatory,crediting your title of your project is definitely a given.

Leading actors,then supporting actors: This gives the audience background on who will be appearing in your film,regardless of whether their unknown new comers or named stars.

Casting Director: This is usually credited as CSA.This is the individual who decided who was to be cast in your film or project.

Production Company: This is also a given since its best to credit who had helped with the production process of your film. (There also might be multiple production companies involved,so be sure to credit all of them.

Director's name: Giving the name of the individual who had technically played the largest part in the film's making is usually the best thing to do,right?

Distribution Company/Studio: These are usually associated with big-name studios like Disney,Warner Bros.,Universal,and so on.These are typically found in the credits of high budget Hollywood films,so if you're independent or a solo filmmaker,you don't have to worry about this.


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