CCR Question #1

      How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

      "I believe that our product challenges a few typical genre conventions by the intent to be putting a spin on a classic high school romance story with a few horror/thriller elements throughout.Because of this genre choice,and this being an intentional decision,this really distances our product from other typical conventions of films of competing genres.For example,from my research,there really is not another film that fits a description of 'high school rom-com meets horror/thriller'.The only semblance of a film similar to this would be Warm Bodies except that film does not have the high school style setting.
      In terms of representing social groups,I had hoped that with the use of an actual high schooler-age lead would create that more 'real' feeling to the product,such as how other films that I had written about in my blog had done with other age groups in their films."

(Used in CCR video as script)


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